#eye #eye
From start till the end

Before Sunrise (2.30 AM)

We meet each other’s eyes through the late night conversation.
The attraction between us is crazy – it drives us drunk way more than alcohol can do.
It’s 2:30 am. Until then, we are too far to step back.

In our time dimension, everything goes as smoothly as we are trapped into the seductively magical moment.
It’s too hard to differentiate whether this is a cupid’s arrow or devil’s dark magic.

It’s too blurry as if either of us conceals something.
It’s too dark as if we are falling into the dark night.
It’s once a drink that ends and disappears like a bubble.

It’s beautiful, but it’s also hurting.
It leaves with cat-scratched-alike cuts.
Actually I’m not that into you,
And neither are you,
But why am I the only one who has these wounds?

Somebody told me “The fairest thing the world gives to us is unfairness,”
This might be the real truth in our time together.

Liberation notes

There were two cats at the time we met. One of them is a tabby, the other is solid black with white beard.
It seems like a tabby is a big sister, while a black cat is a little one.

At our first sight, they saw me as a stranger.
I tried to pet a tabby, and I got scratches with slightly drizzly blood in return.
A black cat was looking from its distance – far away. After a while, it broke the ice and came around where I was.
During our ongoing conversation, they played together. They licked each other.
A big sister may like protecting their little one.

I met them again. A big sister seems like it still doubts me although it didn’t intimidate me like the last time.
On the other hand, the black one seems to like me a lot.
Their eyes shone brightly when they saw my cats’ liquid snack I brought.
During our ongoing conversation, the black cat came licking my legs.
He told me that it has never licked anyone but himself.
His words totally brightened my smile.

And I was on cloud nine again when I discovered the meaning of being licked by a cat.
After this drawing comes to an end, I may forgive myself and feel nothing about it anymore.
I don’t really know that during our journey, how much truth had been there – in his words and actions.

Yet the most reliable thing for me is those two cats’ feelings.

Story by: Bomfha
Translate by: Nichapatra Sombuntham